“Remembering the Beauty of Naturals” Shared a Message of Hope at the Kingdom Day Parade
On January 15, 2018, the 33rd Annual Kingdom Day Parade was held in South Los Angeles. Dr. Adrian Dove, CEO...
On January 15, 2018, the 33rd Annual Kingdom Day Parade was held in South Los Angeles. Dr. Adrian Dove, CEO...
Find yourself snagging internship after internship? Then wondering when will you land a permanent job? Do not think you're alone. I...
My mother recently said, “All the education in the world doesn’t mean nothing.” Prior to that, I came across a...
It seems that whomever I meet, wherever I go, I am constantly hearing, “no.” Peers, adults, friends, advisors, strangers, and...
If you have never traveled before, you must. If you have traveled, you get it. If you are traveling, I...
There is something to be said about a paperback book on a commute to work. Prior to moving to New...
While I worked at it and passed with flying colors, I was never the best at math. It was never...
So in about 2 weeks I will be going from So Cal sunshine, a climate and lifestyle I have known...
"Maybe she's born with it, maybe its Maybelline", 0r maybe you should just let her be. As a wearer of makeup...
For first time, women will now lead two of the country’s biggest accounting firms - The Washington Post.