Fear VS Gratitude
Last night I crawled into bed extremely exhausted! I know we all totally do that, right? I was so tired I was hoping I would just crash out & then my wheels started turning…. like a movie soundtrack I hear ..DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN!!!! (I hope you guys get that I wish you could hear my voice!)
I really love life! So I get very silly some times. I would love to do a voice recorded blog for the magazine CertainlyHer.com I think you would get many more blogs from me that way!
So as I start to get deeper into my thoughts and mindfully staying aware, it would have been very easy to go into a fear base mode. Instead I started thinking about gratitude instead. Being very mindful & choosing gratitude then a shift happened & it was such an amazing feeling & fear couldn’t creep in. For the first time with a 100% fear couldn’t creep into my thoughts it was as if fear didn’t exist!
When we have so many responsibilities it’s easy to become overwhelmed & walk right into fear as if it’s real. We fear over finances, making others happy, dead lines with work, always wanting control over situations, our children, our animals, families, home, …… exhausting when we look at responsibilities in this way.
Let me get a little personal with you. I currently own 3 homes in Southern Cali. Now I do not need 3 homes in California so let me break this down for you. I am a single mom & I juggle a few different careers out of love & passion. Bingo, the first change. Doing what you love! So we live in the home I bought years ago & turned it into my dream home. Now just being my son & I we out grew it! Not in size but emotionally. We actually want a different quality of life & a lil bit of a downsize. So I went out & purchased a new home with an upgrade in quality of how we want to live & we will sell our current home. My other home is an investment & that stays in place.
So as I laid in bed last night. Again, a single mom, 3 houses in southern cali, all my work projects on hold because moving, buying, selling, is a project in itself I could have choose fear & been so scared to have 3 mortgages over my head!!! Most would go into fear & I’m not sure if anyone could blame them.
Well then I started thinking how grateful I am that I have made some amazing choices in my life to position my family in a way that I could make our dreams & major changes happen. That I actually am approved to have 3 homes in Los Angeles. I can do this. I will sell my other house. The fact that the bank approved my loan for my third house says a lot about my smart choices in life & the flood gates of gratitude showered me & carried me into peaceful slumber & I woke up this morning wanted to share this excitement with all of you.
So the moral of this story is not to be afraid of the responsibilities in your life but be grateful that you have those responsibilities & that YES YOU CAN! Others believe in you either directly or indirectly. So the key is “You” believe in you!
I know I do!
Light & Love, Samantha Bennington