ART ASK HER Creative Corner Creative Writing Music A Love Letter…. 10 years ago Simenona Martinez She’s beautiful, though she’s not always on key. Her color palette is spread infinitely, classy to funky. She has curves for days. She is almost but not always skipping a beat. She can heal a broken heart, leaving nostalgia in her path. Her voice moves mountains, answering any call of peace. She’s the kind of best friend you can listen to for three minutes without interruption. She speaks both of your truths that neither of you have the strength to say alone. She’s been on your journey, she is the soundtrack of life and your home. Her words are tattooed on your arms simply because her words are for everyone. Although, specific to some. For her, it’s about self expression and being who she is. Music. When music gave birth to Lyrics… Tags: art, artists, ask her, Certainly Continue Reading Previous What is Art?: Finding the Next PicassoNext The Home of a Lifelong Partnership: The Eames House More Stories ASK HER 5 Car Hacks Every Woman Should Know 2 years ago Peter Minkoff Creative Corner Stylish New Year’s Eve Party Ideas 5 years ago Peter Minkoff ASK HER Be Inspired Expert's Corner Family Health Loving Your Body Marriage Mental Health Recently Her Religious Self Esteem Sex & Relationships Women's Issues How do I know if he loves me? 5 years ago Simenona Martinez