Uh-oh, it happened again.

Your laptop is open. Microsoft Word is opened to a blank document. And it’s been that way for a while now. Maybe an hour, maybe four? But who’s counting…besides you?

Welcome to the land of Writer’s Block (don’t worry you are not alone). Too bad you have a deadline. Or even worse, you’re a blogger who hasn’t posted in days. And that’s social media suicide. Just imagine how many followers you can lose on Instagram when you haven’t posted a picture in a week.  At this rate your social media presence is dwindling by the count.

Don’t fret though, there are some things you can do to get that cursor moving.


Take A Break1. Break Away. Step away from the laptop and literally take a break. Do something else that will take your mind off of being ‘stuck’.




Take A Walk2. Take a walk. Getting a breath of fresh air is not only refreshing and relaxing but being apart of nature never fails to inspire anyone.




Free-write3.  Free write.  Free writing is one of the best ways to unclutter the clutter in your mind.





4. Write what interests you. If you’re only writing to please your audience you will only end up frustrating yourself.




5. Writing Exercises. We’ve hated them in high-school but doing writing exercises helps you loosen up your mind so that you can write about things you never thought to write about.



winning the race6. Think of the end result. If you set your mind to think that you have already finished your post, your body will only act on making that happen.