Urban dictionary provides many definitions of the slang word “clutch”. Here is one that mostly ties into being kind in life through whatever it hands you:

“Great, Essential, and Potent rolled into a single word. Clutch is also used to describe something that is done, not something that is.”

Nice is an adjective that has been completely overused, overdone, and overplayed. Being nice, playing nice, and showing your nice has caused people to be overlooked. Throughout one’s life, usually you are taught manners, being nice, and kindness. However, as you get older, it continues to become a more individualized choice if you live your life being nice to other people as well as yourself. Adulthood also includes a multitude of opportunities for you to be a total asshole as well. Yet, the choice of how you are going to live, guide, and react in your own life can come from a place of nastiness or a place of kindness.

Kindness is a concept that people either really go for or really don’t. Many people do not like kindness because it really means you are being vulnerable. Yet, those who favor and live out of kindness see it as a guiding force of love, appreciation, and understanding of all people.

Kindness is NOT being stepped on, walked all over, and kicked to the other side of the road once a person is done chewing you out, treating you like shit, and giving ZERO or NEGATIVE shits afterwards.

Kindness is courage.

There’s a quote in the famous fairy tale of Cinderella that should be a major mantra and understanding of kindness.

Cinderella proposes a way for one to walk through life: Have courage and be kind.

I find it interesting that the courage part comes first and the kindness is the latter.

Yet, kindness first takes courage. Being kind involves the courage of being vulnerable, and being vulnerable means allowing yourself to be opened up to the world.

Kindness is a way one can contribute their heart, compassion, warmth, and genuine care for others into the world. Kindness is a rich substance that is poured into the recipe of life.

Kindness does not come from a guarded or hard heart because one cannot access kindness when their heart is hard.

Kindness comes from a courageous heart, but a strong heart. A heart that is strong enough to realize that KINDNESS IS NOT ALWAYS RECIPROCATED. It doesn’t come back ten fold right there and then when you help someone out for the day, listen to someone when they are hurting, or going out of your way to pour into someone’s life one way or another.

Kindness is a risk of the heart. You risk getting nothing in return sometimes. You risk the chance that people will not be kind back, or not receive the kindness and throw it back at you.

Yet, true, genuine kindness comes from a place of not wanting anything in return. It’s not giving the person a receipt of the kindness you have given them.

Yet, kindness is a nature in which you can tap into as a human. Each and every person has the ability, the choice, to reach within him or herself and find the kindness they can give to themselves as well as other people.

So often, we easily take the route of apathy. We simply don’t care, are afraid, or don’t see the richness of kindness. We are too busy, to preoccupied, or just don’t see kindness for what it is: a powerful force to change the lives of others, yourself, and the world.

Kindness means considering another person, walking in their shoes, seeing there are needs of other people that exist beyond one’s own personal or selfish needs.

Kindness means being generous of one’s self. Being generous with your time, efforts, energy, money, and the list is big!

Kindness is clutch in the darker times we are facing today with violence, distress, or turmoil the world sees on a daily basis.

Start by practicing kindness, then become kind. Operate from a place of kindness you have as an empathetic and human being with a heart that has the space to hold kindness to give to others.

